- 倫敦三一學院溝通技巧ATCL, RRF四級證書
- 劍橋英語一級證書
- 佩雷德人智學基礎證書
- 每門學科結業證書
更多信息和報名請訪問我們的網址:www.foundationyear.me peredurfoundationyear@gmail.com
Dear Friend,
We are very excited and honored to share with you the information about a new Educational Program “Peredur Foundation Year”, which will take place at Peredur Centre for The Arts, East Grinstead, United Kingdom this year (September 2018- June 2019) and is run by Peredur Eurythmy.
We have been working hard to design this exciting course for young adults from around the whole world! We are bringing together teachers and initiatives, colleges, farms and institutions, individuals and companies to educate, promote and teach the young generation, to give them a strong and inspiring foundation, to provide state recognised diplomas and open up the whole new world for them.
The Foundation Year program is an educational course based in the United Kingdom for young adults from around the world. We offer a one year full time preparatory course for international students before they take a University Degree or as a re-focusing at post degree level.
You will be studying English language, working on the grammar, pronunciation, fluency and vocabulary with the native English tutors, preparing for the exams and integrating into the British society and culture.
The course is based on the work of Rudolf Steiner and the profound world-view of Anthroposophy (the wisdom of becoming human). This path of discovery, self-transformation and practical activity leads toward professions that renew culture and heal the earth.
The Peredur Centre is located In the beautiful English countryside, just under one hour to Central London and one hour to the South Coast. Ashdown Forest, East Grinstead, Forest Row, Emerson college- are all within a short distance.
We are recruiting the students and would be grateful if you could share the information about this new, unique course with your colleges, students, friends and community. We kindly ask you to share this with your contacts, perhaps there are some young people who are in need of this course. If you do not mind spending few minutes to share it I would be ever so grateful
You can find all the information about the course on our brochure and our website:
If you wish we could send you printed copies of the brochures upon request.